Best Selling Romance

Heat Level: Steamy

His Clandestine Bride by Tora Williams

His Clandestine Bride*

Overcoming Complicated Pasts

In this second chance at romance medieval story, Isobel is confronted by her past when Edmund, returned from the Crusades and now one of the king’s men, shows up in search of an enemy of the king. Six years ago, Isobel and Edmund had a brief but passionate affair that that resulted in a clandestine marriage where they made vows to each other without witnesses. (I guess you could do that back then!) When she told her parents about the marriage, they locked her in a tower until she agreed to marry another man who would form a political alliance with her father. Edmund tries to get to her, but her parents do not allow it through devious means. So, she believes that he did not come for her even though sent out a message about her plight through what she thought was a trusted servant, and he has always believed she turned her back on him.

In the present day, he figures out that her child is their son; she had tried to keep the boy a secret. Edmund is determined to have his heir in his life, and he figures the only way to do so is to marry Isobel again in a public ceremony. Wounds have festered since they were separated. Will they forgive each other? Can they get over their other wounds that occurred in the past but still hold them back? Will Edmund find the man he’s looking for and gain the additional wealth and prestige the king and promised?

The author did an excellent job portraying the complicated web of thoughts and emotions this couple needed to untangle in order to build a future. She did a good job as well at showing Edmund learning how to become a father. Edmund was not natural with his son at first, which makes complete sense given his history, but he wanted to do better and be a good father. I thought his unsureness was very realistic.

The book had some of the common issues with grammar, punctuation, and usage, and there were even a few small errors in diction. But I found interweaving of the story to be done so well that I wasn’t overly distracted by these errors.

If you enjoy second chance at romance stories with a historical twist, you might enjoy his tale of a couple who have much pain in their past, caused by others as well as each other, strive to find love a second time around.

The Demon King’s Destiny by C. A. Worley

The Demon King's Destiny*

Intriguing Dreamworld End of Series

In this final installment of the Imperium series, daughter Evelyn meets her mate, the King of the Demons. Interestingly, this book takes place mostly in the dream world. Evelyn first sees her intended mate in her dreams when she’s just a small child. She doesn’t see him often in her dreams after that until she is an adult. The king, Marrok, needs to wait to claim her until things are safer in his land. Groups of demons have gone rogue, becoming more dangerous. Some change in their quest for power while others have it thrust upon them due to old age or infirmity. Will Marrok gain control over his land so he can bring his mate home? What about the cause of other mysterious, ruinous events happening throughout the four kingdoms of Imperium?

This book had the common issues with grammar, punctuation, and usage. In particular, commas seem to be an issue, with the required one missing between independent clauses in a compound sentence. But the story was otherwise well written, so I was not overly distracted.

This world of the four kingdoms of Imperium is very complex and well imagined. The author did a fantastic job of worldbuilding over the course of the three books, and each sister was very much an individual and had a unique mate/story that suited her. I think each story could be read as a standalone, but reading each in sequence enriches understanding because it allows you to comprehend the interweaving elements of the books. If you enjoy steamy paranormal romance with a little bit of humor and danger, you will enjoy this series.

Savage Possessed by September Stone

Savage Possessed*

Reverse Harem Group on Quest at Behest of Mother Nature

In the second book of the series, Sophie and the men are on a quest. Mother Nature wants them to find Elowen. What will happen when they find the mage? Will they be safe from her magic? Will Mother get what she wants?

I found it interesting how the author was able to make each of the males very distinct. I was especially intrigued by Valor, the vampire. At the beginning, he was so withdrawn and penitent. You could sense the horror he feels at his past actions as he tries to atone in the tiniest of ways in all his actions and reactions. Hagan was also a surprise, especially at the end, but I won’t ruin that for you.

The book has some issues with grammar, punctuation, and usage, but they do not distract from the story. If you enjoy steamy RH fantasy, this book could fill the bill.

Lies and Solace by Jana Richards

Lies and Solace*

Big Dreams In Small-Town Romance

What a sweet and lovely small-town romance! The hero and the heroine have complex backstories that are revealed in a perfect dripwise fashion that show the basis for their goals and motivations, allowing the reader to easily empathize with them as they struggle with inner conflicts dealing with their secrets and what they have withheld from each other.

The book starts off dramatically with a scene from the distant past when the heroine’s parents died in a drowning accident when Harper was a child. The book then fast forwards to her at the age of 32 when she is trying to obtain investment capital to help restore the lodge that’s been in her family for three generations. Ethan, the hero, is a complex character, on the one hand sweet and caring and on the other fearful of rejection or maltreatment due to his secrets.

Now, when I said the book was sweet up above, I didn’t mean it wasn’t steamy! They have a caring bond that does carry over into intimacy towards the end of the book. Will their secrets tear them apart? Will Harper have the lodge of her dreams? Will her sisters start pitching in?

This book was refreshingly light on punctuation and grammar issues. It was a delight to read in that aspect as well as the good storytelling as detailed above.

If you like small town romance with complex characters, you’ll find this book a treat.

Winter’s Dragons: Frozen Flames by Eva Brandt

Winter's Dragons: Frozen Flames*

It’s Not Easy to Be The Queen

I thoroughly enjoyed Book Two of Eva Brandt’s new Harem of the Seasons series. I enjoyed Book One, so I’m not surprised I enjoyed this as well. The dragons are still protective and sweet. Cassia/Cheimon is still her demanding, ruling self, with all the expectations due to a monarch that implies.

What makes this and the other book stand out is the author’s ability to convey humor very well especially through Cassia (which seems unexpected given her exalted status). The book starts with a series of improbable events that are humorous for those looking in but are trying (on a variety of levels) for the queen of the winter realm. The book starts with one of her Yeti subjects petitioning for help with a love triangle. Soon, her mates’ parents show up. Her dragons hadn’t sent word to their parents about the fact they still live or their unique relationship with the queen. The fathers are all quite undone when they hear about it; dragon males don’t have those types of relationships. A dragon mom soon reveals a universal human hope, asking about the potential for hatchlings!

This is a fun and humorous reverse harem read. I’m looking forward to the next books in this series.

Winter’s Dragons: Melting Ice by Eva Brandt

Winter's Dragons: Melting Ice*

The Avatar of Winter … and Three Man-dragons!

Strange things are afoot in the realm of eternal ice. When the queen of that realm, the avatar of winter, goes to investigate, she discovers three injured dragons have wreaked havoc on her land and her sister’s neighboring realm. The three dragons can shape-shift into men. Quickly, they swear to help protect her realm and repair the damage they’ve caused.

Cheimon is smart and sassy, an able ruler of her domain.  She is the first narrator of the story, and I like the way she conveys has an air of authority as she bosses her underlings around. The girl’s got attitude! It was fun to watch the switch over between narrators and see how the man-dragons viewed scenes quite differently than the queen. The man-dragons  were in competition before they landed in this realm, but now they decide to become allies in courting the queen.

I was not distracted by too many grammar, punctuation, or usage errors. I simply found this an enjoyable read because of the different narrators who had very distinct personalities. It was just fun!

Tempting His Mistress by Samantha Holt

Tempting His Mistress*

Delightfully Written Victorian Romance

What a delightful romp through Victorian England at the hands of an author who knows how to hit all the right marks that we expect in this subgenre.

Lilly is recently orphaned, the daughter of a businessman and his mistress. At a house party, she deliberately sets out to find out if her cousin’s supposition about Lord Hawksley is true–that he murdered her father after losing money in a business deal. Of course, they both feel an attraction (though it is done with style!). She attempts to learn more about the man and is coming to believe he may not be responsible for her father’s murder–and then he blindsides her by asking to be his mistress! Then the fun really begins…

I found Lilly to be smart and just a little bit sassy, the same attributes that attract Lord Hawksley. She desperately wants to find out the truth…and she desperately wants to despise the marquess for what she believes he did. But she has a hard time doing either; their conversations are a delight as they are often at cross purposes. Lord Hawksley (Evan) can’t quite understand his fascination with her, and he tries to rid himself of it. But he finds he cannot. After his younger brother suggests HE might make her his mistress, Evan decides that if she is to be anyone’s mistress, she will be his. Of course, Lilly is shocked and hurt by such an offer. You’ll have to read the book to find out how that turns out.

I’m a big fan of Victorian romance, and it has been a while since I’ve read a straight-up one. Within a few pages, I felt like a capable captain was steering the boat writer and just wanted to enjoy the journey.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout, but this did not affect my review.

Lady of the Glen by Michelle Deerwester-Dalrymple

The Lady of The Glen***

Simply Stunning Scottish Historical Romance

Our feisty and brash heroine, Elayne, starts off the book in a most dramatic way, trying to get her clan’s priest to declare the new wife of the man Elayne hoped to wed a witch! She soon realizes the errors of her ways, and both she and her father, the laird of their clan, agree that perhaps she needs some time away.

Opportunity comes by way of Declan, newly returned from serving The Bruce and the new laird of his clan, aptly name the Beast Clan by its neighbors. Having seen other clans while with The Bruce, Declan is determined to civilize his own. And that means he needs a wife, as the civilizing influence of women has been long lacking in his male-dominated stronghold. He saw Elayne in a village as he was returning from war and was immediately drawn to her strong, commanding presence…this could be the woman to help him!

Declan is a sweet swoonworthy hero; how can you help but love a hero who fully supports his future ladylove on the first night they meet in the face of his rather ornery clan? And Elayne…oh, my gosh! What can I say about her? She’s a spitfire all right, with strong ideas of the way things should be… but she is also caring and vulnerable… Both the hero and heroine have past scars (and in a way they mirror each other), and they remain vulnerable even after they marry. There are some very sweet little “awwwww” moments. Some scars take a while to heal…

They act as a team from Day One, and it is fun to see the way they truly listen and support each other. Elayne likes to jump in and defend herself… even getting physical with some who act against her. Declan not only lets her lead in these matters, but he also backs her up fully and adds his own response. I adore brave but vulnerable couple.

They need to be a team, as there are greater plots against them… both close to home and tied to the history of Scotland at the time. But I’ll let you discover that yourself.

If you like Scottish romance, you can’t go wrong with this one. If you like ANY historical romance, you will most likely enjoy this book as well.

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One star = I received it as a free advance/review copy.

Two stars = I borrowed it through my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

Three stars = I’ve purchased the book outright (sometimes for free).

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