Free Best Selling Romance

For Authors

Let’s Promote Your Book(s)!

Your books can be promoted on this site in a variety of ways!

  • A book review
  • A mention in my occasional blog posts about More Romance
  • An author interview
  • A mention of your interview and/or your book’s review in my newsletter
  • Access to my list of eager romance book reviewers

Interested? Continue reading for all the details below!


How I Can Showcase Your Book


  • If you send me a review copy, I might review it for this site and share the review on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or Bookbub. (MOBI preferred; Word OK, PDF only if you must.)
  • Reviews can occur any time in your publishing or marketing cycle. You determine the best time it would work for you: pre-order, launch, special promotion days, or even if you would just like to remind readers of your backlist.
    • If you hoping to time the review with special dates (pre-launch or launch) or promotions, you must send me the review copy at least 2 weeks in advance of that day or time period. Preferably earlier than that! The earlier you get it to me, the better chance you will have of seeing it reviewed.

Author Interview Blog

I can post a blog-tour-type interview with you. For this author interview, I’ll ask you questions via e-mail about your book, you, your writing in general, and more. Again, this interview will only be posted when your book is free, so contact me well in advance of your free days if they are limited so I can get this posted in the right time frame.

Roundup Blog Post

Every once in a while, I post to the More Romance! blog about more romance titles, usually by genre or subgenre. I will post a mini-blurb about your book along with the book cover linking to your book at Amazon. Just send me your Amazon link and a mini-blurb (just a few sentences), and I’ll include your book that week. Let me know if you are having any special promotions for it, and I will be sure to include that info as well. I can also include links to other booksellers if you want.

I do not like to put too many books in a post, so the inclusion of your book in a post may be delayed; time-sensitive books (special promotions, launch) will have priority over others. But if you send me your book’s information, I will put it in a relevant post as soon as is possible. 

Author Interview Blog

I can post a blog-tour-type interview with you. For this author interview, I’ll ask you questions via e-mail about your book(s), you, your writing in general, and more. This author interview is also  a great place to promote an entire series. Again, if you would like this to coincide with any special dates or promotions, contact me well in advance of these dates so I can get this posted in the right time frame to best work with your campaign.


I will share links to your review or interview with my newsletter readers.

List of Book Reviewers

I maintain a list of readers who enjoy romance and have an interest in reviewing books. If you would like to share free copies of your book in hopes of an unbiased, honest review, just send me information about the book (detailed blurb, cover, specific genre and subgenre, formats available–MOBI, ePub, PDF) and how the reader can contact you, and I will pass the information on to those on my list who express an interest in it. You may or may not hear back from any or many, depending on their interest in the book. 

More Romance Blog & Permafree Links

Aside from (or instead of) the roundup blog post, I will occasionally feature upcoming, new, Kindle Unlimited, free, and bargain books in a blog post. While I have my ways of discovering these types of books, let me know directly if your book will fall into any of these categories, and I will share it in that post. If you have a permanently free book, I will also include a link to your Author Central page at Amazon (or other place it is permafree) on the Permanently Free Books page. Let me know:

  • The key dates (pre-order start, launch date, special promotions time frame), if any
  • Your full book title
  • Your author/pen name
  • A couple-sentence book blurb 
  • Whether or not your book is available on Kindle Unlimited
  • The book cover (send file)
  • The genre and subgenre you believe your book best fits in
  • The link to your book at Amazon (or other sites)

NOTE: The offers above are at my discretion. I may or may not review your book if sent to me.  I do require a bit of information from you to share it in the More Romance blog, other blogs, or on the Permanently Free Books page. If you fail to give me all that information, I will not chase you down for it; either your book won’t be included in the list or will only list what I can easily obtain. I also do have real-life commitments and the occasional need to take a vacation. I will do my best for you if you do your best for me–but I can make no guarantees.


What You Can Do for Me

  • Send me a review copy–well in advance of your key dates if time sensitive (promotions, new, upcoming).
  • Do a blog-tour-type interview with me.
  • Send me information about your book to be included in my roundup or special books’ spotlight post (especially when pre-order/new or a special promotion).
  • Share this website with your loyal readers. Romance readers are notoriously voracious. They will appreciate that you understand this and that you have given them access to lots of mystery titles while they are waiting for your next book!


I Can Help With Your Future Books

Author Services

I have been writing, editing, and proofreading a variety of documents for the past 30 years. I have a passion for words, and it gives me a thrill to assist authors to bring their best writing to the public. See my website for full details.

The services I provide include:

  • Beta reading for romance and nonfiction
  • Proofreading any type of writing
  • Copyediting any type of writing (including specialties of cookbooks and medicine/health)
  • Line editing any type of writing

Whether or not you use my paid author services will have zero impact on how I promote you or your book(s) according to what is listed above on this page. I do offer authors I work with special promotions that are exclusive to them: featuring their book on the main page slider of their genre for at least a week and special shout-outs in blog posts. 

Contact Me

3 + 9 =

Just for Authors Blog

Authors ask me for advice and recommendations. Read about that here! You can also ask me your questions using the form above.